
Armadajs - First Javascript Conference In Serbia

ArmadaJS – First JavaScript conference in Serbia

“ArmadaJS” is the name of the first JavaScript conference held in Serbia. It took place in Novi Sad, on 19-20.09.Speakers were from all over the world, experienced and passionate developers,working for the largest IT companies, such as “Google”, “Mozilla”, “Node.js”, “Amazon”, “IBM”, “Spotify”, etc.I, along with my front end co-workers, was very happy to attend, listening to the ideas,different approaches to a situation, sharing thoughts after each lecture during the Q&A sessions…

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Početak Karijere, Junior

Početak IT Karijere iz ugla jednog Juniora

Pre 2 godine odlučio sam se za promenu karijere i odabrao IT sektor. Tutorijali, iščitavanje članaka, pravljenje malih aplikacija i tako u krug. Kada počnete da ulazite u svet IT-a, puno ljudi će vam reći da je najteže naći prvu praksu/posao, naročito ako vaše obrazovanje nije imalo puno dodira sa tim. Na moju sreću preko prijatelja sam saznao za firmu TNation. Informisao sam se preko njihovog sajta i odlučio da apliciram za praksu.

Početak IT Karijere iz ugla jednog Juniora Read More

Basic Workshop About Algorithms Using Javascript

Basic workshop about algorithms using JavaScript

The algorithm workshop was designed as a lecture that could enable participants to use algorithms for independent research and further self – improvement. It was organized and held into two parts by Marko Pavlovic, experienced JavaScript developer. The main goal was to sum it up to the average user. So no previous JavaScript experience was necessary.

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