Checklist For Successfully Outsourced Software Development

Checklist for an Outsourced Software Development

Each business needs software, especially nowadays in the digitally connected world. Startups are joining the companies that are already offering their applications on the market. There is a truth that software can be a powerful tool while providing products and services online. But, thinking about it, the first thing that comes to mind is quality. 

Startups are rarely risking their assets, and ensuring quality, reliable and scalable software is of the utmost importance. There are two possible choices: hiring an in-house team or outsourcing their software project to an offshore or nearshore partner. Once the decision is made, where to start? Start with a checklist that will ensure successful outsourcing of software development.


When in Doubt – Outsourcing Checklist and Tips for Startup Owners

Subcontracting a company for software development is not an easy choice. Both in-house and outsourced software engineering have their benefits and disadvantages, but where do you draw that fine line between the two? Deciding to hire in-house developers or outsource the software project comes down to the capacity and specific needs of the business.


Outsourcing Workplace

Should I Skip Hiring In-House and Look for a Specialized Outsourcing Software Development Company?

In-house software engineering teams can be a great asset for the company apart from availability. Businesses that need instant access to the team for software changes can find the in-house developers more beneficial to their goals. Additionally, hiring developers when the project closely overlaps with the core business processes and information might be a better solution.

Another crucial reason is that the nature of the business relies on the developers’ expertise. However, building a skilled team and finding the right person is an entirely different challenge in today’s market. So, if you decide to hire developers, be efficient and thorough before making a decision. 

On the other hand, outsourcing can be a great option when businesses outsource one or more phases of the software. Additionally, many of those designs are short-term, and it would not be cost-effective to hire an entire department and then be forced to let them go after its completion. When deciding to outsource, the partnering company is the one handling recruitment, taxes and salary costs. This gives them more experience and an advantage in testing the candidates and hiring experienced developers ready to take on ventures from any industry.


How to Research Different Outsourcing Software Development Companies

Making a selection out of numerous companies offering software outsourcing services around the globe comes down to simple research. It is almost the same as finding the laptop according to your specifications. While searching for the right outsourcing partner Google search box is the most obvious choice. You can write the location or specifics of the project scope to narrow down the results. 

There is another key to finding the right company, and it is through LinkedIn. Not only does it offer insight into the company but the expertise of the employees as well. In addition, you can get a glimpse of company culture and values by browsing through the posts.

Clutch is another way to find and list the right outsourcing partner. The B2B platform offers ratings and reviews from the company’s clients alongside the essential information. 

There is also an overwhelming source of information on each company’s blog. A fair number of them have public portfolios or client bases publicly displayed on their domain. However, some are not allowed to showcase their previous expertise due to contract limitations, and it is better to reach out and inquire than dismiss them from your plan. 

While on the company page, look for technologies, industries and services they offer. After all these, you should be able to narrow down your selection to several companies. A checklist allows you to focus on several firms, much less than outsourcing companies worldwide.


Software Development Is Not An Easy Choice

The Final Software Development Outsourcing Checklist

Choose Partner

Before making a definite choice about partnering with a specific company, you should consider some additional facts. As mentioned, their experience in particular industries can largely contribute to your business’s software. However, the location of the client can imply some cultural and time zone differences. For example, although many Eastern European companies have minor distinctions between their region and the Western world, it may be completely different in other parts of the world. 


Setting Budget

Many companies decide on the company based on the low cost it offers. In the software development sector, there is a slight chance that the quality will suffer. Be realistic about the requirements and the budget for your business software. While choosing a partner, select the one that fits within your cost frame, but do not choose based on the lowest price. 


Quality Assurance

Aside from the cost and planning your budget, find out if the company has a Quality Assurance department. Nowadays, good code is imperative, therefore make your expectations known about the quality of the software during the development phase and the completed project.


Software Development Outsourcing

Constant Communication

Software success depends on communication. During the development stage, many questions could arise. Having an in-house team means that you are in constant contact with them. However, when hiring an outsourced team, they are not acquainted with your organisation’s goals and vision. The solution is to communicate and give feedback frequently to ensure that the development aligns with your ideas. 


Project Goals

Project goals do not just determine the direction of the software development in making it straightforward for developers. But, it also sets the standard for team skills and expertise that align with the task. 


Team Members

Some software designs require experience in a particular niche. For example, Fintech apps and software is a specific industry. Therefore, finding the right partner with a group of experienced Fintech developers is a far better choice than hiring the one who will learn through your project.


Technology Skills

Each software requires a specific technology stack. Therefore check the prospective partners use of technologies before starting.



Making a plan on the software’s goals and aligning company needs is the first step to determining whether or not to outsource software development. If you decide on relocating resources to a partner firm, communicate extensively and set realistic expectations for the project. Handing over the reins of your software development can leave you with more time to prepare the market for its release and to focus on your core business processes. 

TNation is an outsourcing company in Eastern Europe with teams of developers experienced in many industries. If you decide to seek a partner for your venture, give us a call, and our business analysts can help you ensure the success of the software.



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